Trip reports in this category:

Inyo National Forest

Mt. Langley via Soldier Lakes

Mt. Whitney via Cottonwood Pass

Mt. Williamson via Onion Valley

Charlotte Lake

Horseshoe Meadows Loop

Mt. Langley via New Army Pass

Trans Sierra (Lodgepole - Horseshoe Meadows)

Kearsarge Basin - Rae Lakes

Horseshoe Meadows to Mt. Whitney

Mini Trans Sierra

Golden Trout Lakes 2010

Galleries in this category:

Charlotte Lake

Horseshoe Meadows - Death Valley

Charlotte Lake

Charlotte Lake

Tamarack and Dorothy Lakes

Golden Trout Lakes

Charlotte Lake

Horseshoe Meadows

Inyo National Forest

Mt. Langley via Soldier Lakes

Golden Trout Lakes

Charlotte Lake and Mt. Bago

Mt. Whitney via Cottonwood Pass

Charlotte Lake

Mt. Williamson via Onion Valley

Golden Trout Lakes

Charlotte Lake

Death Valley/Owens Valley/Red Rock Canyon

Horseshoe Meadows Loop

Charlotte Lake

Mt. Langley via New Army Pass

Golden Trout Lakes

Charlotte Lake

Trans Sierra (Lodgepole - Horseshoe Meadows)

Golden Trout Lakes

Kearsarge Basin - Rae Lakes

Onion Valley

Horseshoe Meadows to Mt. Whitney

Onion Valley

Mini Trans Sierra

Golden Trout Lakes 2010